Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Tuesday, 9 December 2008
As I said earlier, I have a new job. Started this past weekend on my own as the last girl had gone back home to Poland. I was a bit nervous but everything went OK. I had a holiday day to take so that was on Sunday. So as of this weekend I am settled in at the care home. I was sad leaving my old job, had a little cry when they gave me a lovely card and flowers. Then cried all the way home in the car. Had I done the right thing? etc etc, but Im sure i have.
We have had some snow and icy weather here, its really cold today too, its also my sons 26th birthday, I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was snowing then too, I worried Id not get to the hospital. The hospital cleaners were on strike then and there were no clean laundrey stuff, I got out of that hospital faster than lightning.
Have been back up to the hospital with Stewart for more treatment, we go again on Thursday and we have been taking the bus as the parking at the hospital is horrendous, just no spaces at all, and its so worrying in case you miss the appointment, its been giving me a headache, so , hence the bus. Now the bus drivers are striking for more money, there were no busses for 24hrs last Sat and will be none for 48hrs this Fri, but worst of all is they are working to rule so you wont know if your bus is running or not. We will go out and wait for it but may have to take the car and I would just have to sit in it, waiting for a space to come free, while Stewart goes for his appointment, not really ideal. Its giving me a headache just thinking about it.
My mum and stepdad are going on the Orient Express from Edinburgh on Friday, Its an evening outing with your supper on board. They were given it as a xmas gift from his children, they are excited. He has only yesterday broken his reading glasses, and now is in a mad rush to get a new pair in time, hes having an eye test as i write and hopes to have glasses by Thurs. Hed better have, or he wont be able to see the menu !!! They are staying overnight in Edinburgh too, im sure they will have a great time. I hope they remember to take the camera. I think I may text her to remind her.
Guess that the lot for now....later

Friday, 21 November 2008

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

This next pic, though very dark, is a trail through the woods where we walk the dogs if it too windy to go to the beach. As it frequently is and I hate to see the dogs faces get covered in blown sand, so we go to the woods then.

Here are those watches Ive been making. Not all of them are shown here as some are going to be gifts and I dont want anyone getting a sneak preview, and also I made and gave away 4 others that I forgot to photograph first.
Stewart has had his appointment for the last part of his treatment come through, Nov 20th \27th and then hopefully that will be it all over and done with.
We have had some snow here, last week in Oct, seems it was 30yrs since it was so early. Most mornings we have to scrape the car windows and when we were in Perth it was the hardest frost ive seen in ages. On the Sunday morning I was outside the hotel and looked up and saw a hot air balloon sailing along the river, it was so low I could see the people in the basket, and of course I didnt have the camera with me and by the time i got to my room and back down again it had moved way to far off for a good pic, typical !! I also saw another weird sight while in the car going between Alva and Dunblain , a LLama, yes I know what your thinking, but it was a LLama, all white and cosy looking munching away at trees, guess it must have escaped from someplace as its not something we normally have roaming about the countryside. I also saw a large herd or Deer and about a dozen or so Buzzards on our travels. So all in all a good time was had.
Guess thats all for now
Monday, 22 September 2008

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Friday, 29 August 2008
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Hello again, this is a tin house I got off Ebay, it was bigger than I thought so finding a space was hard, I had to jiggle things to fit it in. Below is Penny, sitting in the only bit where the sun was shining.
The schools went back yesterday and that meant the traffic was dire. Stewart had hospital appointment so we took the dogs to the woods rather than spend an hour sitting in traffic just to get to the beach. Finding a space to park at the hospital is like finding hen's teeth, on Fri I will sit on yellow lines at the clinic and wait for Stewart to be seen, if I'm moved on I'll drive round then sneak back.
I am finished Kates pressy, it looks really nice. I painted a chair but it wasnt going well, so I used a different paint on top and it took ok, then I sanded bits of it back to the base and wound twine round the bottom of the legs, Im pleased with it now, photo to come later.
Only 9 days till my son and his girlfriend move house. I think they'll be packing this week. I hope it doesnt rain that day.
rosie isn't limping anymore, must have been her leaping about at the beach that did it. Walking her on the lead for 3 days seems to have helped. Saw the swans and their babies this morning , they have 7 this year, and they are almost as big as the parents now.
Till later...X

Friday, 15 August 2008

Thursday, 7 August 2008
Tuesday, 5 August 2008

A friend of mine had to have her greyhound put down, he was very sick, it was his liver.They are all very upset, I sent her a poem that I had all about why its for the best to put them to sleep even though it breaks your heart to do it.
Thats all for now. X
Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Here I am again, what awful weather we have had, lots of sea fog. This pic is of my son Lewis and his girlfriend, Lisa, when he was best man at his friends wedding earlier this month. The other pic is of my table bought at a boot sale in the living room. The baskets also came from bootsales.
My mum and step dad came round today after being on holiday in North Wales. They went to Portmerion, where the 60's series, The Prisoner, was filmed.
I am still slogging away at my knitting but it's slow going. I had some new beads arrive they are blue and white chinese style ones and also ones like little fishes.
The top pic is of the first big quilt I made, not that you can see much of it as it's hidden by dogs.
It was a good quilt to make but took much more fabric than I thought it would. I have made a block of the month quilt but havent got a pic of it yet, it's in reds, greens and cream.I have now bought more fabric to make one in red, cream and blue.
The shop where I work has been bought over by another supermarket, so we are hoping that they will keep us open and we don't lose our jobs. I have worked there 9years now.
I have been looking through my patterns and hope to finish up a stitcherie I began ages ago. I am working on a cross stitch of a Stafforshire Bull terrier, it looks just like Penny did when we first got her, but it's more detailed than I thought it would be, lots of two colours together stitches., so it's taking it's time to do. I had put it away in fact as I was getting fed up of it and making mistakes, I will get it out and do some more soon.
I was hoping the local patchwork shop, Seattle Quilt Company, The owner is from Seattle, would be doing a class that I could go to, but none of them take my fancy this year. I saw a ragged jacket on show there and got a pattern and made one myself. Its hard work cutting all those seems so that they fray in the wash.
Thats all for now.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
some new pics

Here I am again, I have managed to add some new pics. The quilts and large shelf unit above are on my stairway and the shelf is in my livingroom.
My son wasn't impressed that his mum has a blog, perhaps I expected too much of him!! My friend Kate came round with her handsom grandson Ellis, and his daft dog Millie. She told me she'd read my blog and given me my first comment, Yippee!