Hello again, this is a tin house I got off Ebay, it was bigger than I thought so finding a space was hard, I had to jiggle things to fit it in. Below is Penny, sitting in the only bit where the sun was shining.
The schools went back yesterday and that meant the traffic was dire. Stewart had hospital appointment so we took the dogs to the woods rather than spend an hour sitting in traffic just to get to the beach. Finding a space to park at the hospital is like finding hen's teeth, on Fri I will sit on yellow lines at the clinic and wait for Stewart to be seen, if I'm moved on I'll drive round then sneak back.
I am finished Kates pressy, it looks really nice. I painted a chair but it wasnt going well, so I used a different paint on top and it took ok, then I sanded bits of it back to the base and wound twine round the bottom of the legs, Im pleased with it now, photo to come later.
Only 9 days till my son and his girlfriend move house. I think they'll be packing this week. I hope it doesnt rain that day.
rosie isn't limping anymore, must have been her leaping about at the beach that did it. Walking her on the lead for 3 days seems to have helped. Saw the swans and their babies this morning , they have 7 this year, and they are almost as big as the parents now.
Till later...X

I love that tin house you got from ebay, finding the right space is part of the fun I guess:)
Have a great day.
Hi Diane love the bird house,I see Penny is in the pictures again,is Rosie camera shy?I will tel later about the results from the doctors.I think i will paint the chair black so here goes.
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