Here is Penny trying to get into what little there is of the sunshine. This is the block of the month quilt I made at the class run by Lisa at Seattle Quilt Co.
We have been up at the hospital having my husbands dressing changed. Looks like its healing really well and we hav to only go once instead of twice next week.
Lewis and Lisa move from their flat in town to a nice house not far from us. They will be glad once its over as its been very stressful. What with the housing market doing nobody any favours. This house looks lovely hope to see it the day they move in.Plenty of room for them to get a dog ha ha!

Hers is my snowman collection on an old pine shelf unit, that I got a long time ago.
Havent done any crafts at all this past week, done some knitting though and I made a watch for a gift. I forgot a friends birthday what with all thats been going on with my husband I sent her an email card so I hope she understands, goonesss knows where all the time has gone lately here it is August already and the leaves are sadly falling off my big tree, way too early for my liking.
A friend of mine had to have her greyhound put down, he was very sick, it was his liver.They are all very upset, I sent her a poem that I had all about why its for the best to put them to sleep even though it breaks your heart to do it.
I have been invited to a "renewal of marriage vows" by a girl who used to work with me, its in October, so that should be very nice, never been to a ceremony like that before.
Thats all for now. X
Welcome Diane to the blogging world and thanks for the sweet comments that you left while visiting.
Love the quilts that you have made, just wonderful I think it's such a talent to do so. the table and baskets are certainly things I would have bought too:)
I think you are doing great on your blog and yes, we all love pictures especially since I've never been to Scotland and it seems so beautiful.
I'll add you to my favs if that's okay with you, have a great day.
Thanks Rondell, nice to hear from you. Yes, Scotland is pretty in places, even in the rain, which we seem to be getting a lot of at the moment even if this is supposed to be the height of summer! No hope of getting in the garden today just too wet. take care Diane
I second Rondell; welcome; I love it that you are showing your dogs; I have 4 English Bulldogs; I also visit Kate's blog; she seens so very nice. I found you through Rondell's blog. I hope you will come visit me at http://wheretheblackbirdssing.blogspot.com My name is Merrie, I live in Michigan,US; and I love prim, making things; I sew; and I too, collect patterns, yet haven't made most of them! LOL! I do love Scotland and Englan; I have told Kate that I love the sound of a man from Scotland; it is such a pretty sound. Anyway, nice to meet you; Ill add you to my favorites! Merrie
Hi Merrie, your dogs are soo cute, I could just about manage to sneak one past my husband if he wasnt looking, or maybe i could blindfold him, ha ha. I do want another dog soon as mine are going to be 5 this Sept. My staffie doesnt really like other dogs, she thinks this is her world and only dogs she likes ought to be in it !!! Till, later, take care X
Diane i think Setwart would notice one of Merrie's dogs if they came in with penny and rosie.I told you they were sweet.Talk to You later~Kate~
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