We still have snow here and im sick of it. The pavements are like sheets of ice, im beginning to wonder just what we pay the council for, certainly not to clear the roads, have seen the gritter twice in all this time,grrr!
Rosie seems to enjoy being on our bed more and more these days, even taken to snuggling my teddy bear.

Still looking to contact an old friend, Lourdes Mills nee Saez, she was married to Frank who was in the airforce, last known address was Great Falls Montana, they had two children, Sarah and Alexander, anyone know where she is or does she have a blog?
I have now been in my new job 3 mths. Was back to see friends in the shop this week, but i dont miss it.
HI Diane!! I'm sick of the snow. How sad about the baby seal. There's something about seal that make my heart melt. I'd love to be at a beach to see the real deals!! Happy Valentine's Day to you (the 14th that is) and hope you have an uneventful Friday the 13th!! heeheehee
Well hi.ihave been stuck in the yard about6times i am so fed up with trying to get out and still keep upright,the paths all round the moor have gone with the weight of the snow so now i have to find new paths.Hope sun shines this week-end.Talk to you later.Rosie looks so cute.~Kate~
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