Friday, 21 November 2008

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

This next pic, though very dark, is a trail through the woods where we walk the dogs if it too windy to go to the beach. As it frequently is and I hate to see the dogs faces get covered in blown sand, so we go to the woods then.

Here are those watches Ive been making. Not all of them are shown here as some are going to be gifts and I dont want anyone getting a sneak preview, and also I made and gave away 4 others that I forgot to photograph first.
Stewart has had his appointment for the last part of his treatment come through, Nov 20th \27th and then hopefully that will be it all over and done with.
We have had some snow here, last week in Oct, seems it was 30yrs since it was so early. Most mornings we have to scrape the car windows and when we were in Perth it was the hardest frost ive seen in ages. On the Sunday morning I was outside the hotel and looked up and saw a hot air balloon sailing along the river, it was so low I could see the people in the basket, and of course I didnt have the camera with me and by the time i got to my room and back down again it had moved way to far off for a good pic, typical !! I also saw another weird sight while in the car going between Alva and Dunblain , a LLama, yes I know what your thinking, but it was a LLama, all white and cosy looking munching away at trees, guess it must have escaped from someplace as its not something we normally have roaming about the countryside. I also saw a large herd or Deer and about a dozen or so Buzzards on our travels. So all in all a good time was had.
Guess thats all for now