Hello again. I havent been a very good blogger, but the above pic shows that I have been a busy bunny.I have made these two bags, one is for a christmas gift, so if you are looking Becky, look away now!! The dark one is a larger version of my first bag but the second one i made myself. I have yet to line it but thats easy enough. What I really wanted is to make an adjustable leather strap that can swop between various bags but I cannot come accross the mateials needed, so if anyone knows where I can get these, please jump in and let me know. I also would worry of the the bag not being strong enough to take any weight where i would attatch the d-rings at the side. so if anyone has any ideas please pass it along.The wool came from Kingcraig Fabrics of Brora, Sutherland. They have a lovely selection of coned wool.The toggle buttons on the dark bag are from Bellandbellissimo on e-bay uk. I am addicted to felting now.I have started another bag already. I also have knitted a shawl for my friend, Lindas xmas, pic comming later.looking forward to Amsterdam and Delft, hope the weather will be good.We have a cat comming to the garden, it seems someone has put it out, I dont understand how someone can throw out an animal, if they can no longer afford to keep them there are chariteis that will take in unwanted pets, so throwing them out is unacceptable. she/he is very timid but knows now that i put the food under the garden bench for it and now is waiting each night for me and getting a bit braver, comes for the food before i close the garage door! The hedgehogs are also comming and having their food too.Thats all for now...xxxx