Here I am again, what awful weather we have had, lots of sea fog. This pic is of my son Lewis and his girlfriend, Lisa, when he was best man at his friends wedding earlier this month. The other pic is of my table bought at a boot sale in the living room. The baskets also came from bootsales.
My mum and step dad came round today after being on holiday in North Wales. They went to Portmerion, where the 60's series, The Prisoner, was filmed.
I am still slogging away at my knitting but it's slow going. I had some new beads arrive they are blue and white chinese style ones and also ones like little fishes.
The top pic is of the first big quilt I made, not that you can see much of it as it's hidden by dogs.
It was a good quilt to make but took much more fabric than I thought it would. I have made a block of the month quilt but havent got a pic of it yet, it's in reds, greens and cream.I have now bought more fabric to make one in red, cream and blue.
The shop where I work has been bought over by another supermarket, so we are hoping that they will keep us open and we don't lose our jobs. I have worked there 9years now.
I have been looking through my patterns and hope to finish up a stitcherie I began ages ago. I am working on a cross stitch of a Stafforshire Bull terrier, it looks just like Penny did when we first got her, but it's more detailed than I thought it would be, lots of two colours together stitches., so it's taking it's time to do. I had put it away in fact as I was getting fed up of it and making mistakes, I will get it out and do some more soon.
I was hoping the local patchwork shop, Seattle Quilt Company, The owner is from Seattle, would be doing a class that I could go to, but none of them take my fancy this year. I saw a ragged jacket on show there and got a pattern and made one myself. Its hard work cutting all those seems so that they fray in the wash.
Thats all for now.